nsa.jpg (6695 bytes) The National Security Agency's (NSA's) Deep Space Probes & Space Surveillance                                             



NSA & The 18th Space Surveillance Squadron

The 18th Space Surveillance Squadron (note: the Air Force removed this page) unclassified mission states that it tracks all space objects from 3,000 to 22,000 miles. However, the classified mission states: "The 18th Surveillance Squadron and it's detachments track all space objects, known and unknown (UFOs), from 300 miles to deep space. The 18th monitors the NSA series of remote tracking satellites (STAR-BAND) placed in orbit between Mars and Jupiter and between Saturn and Neptune and beyond. All information received from these remote tracking locations are forwarded to NSA." For NSA's STAR-BAND (Deep Space) satellites/sentinels/or probes please see below. We were also informed that the "aliens" have a base on Neptune's moon Triton.

Over the past years there have been a number of intelligence reports to suggest that NSA may have any number of what are termed "Deep Space Probes" some reaching beyond the orbit of Neptune. The real purpose of these space probes has not been determined especially the fact that NSA/OCS is the reported office responsible for tracking these probes: Why then is NSA in deep space when the "threat" as we know it is centered here in the near Earth environment?  And, deep space exploration is suppose to be within the jurisdiction of NASA? 

NSA Deep Space Probes

The following is a list of reported NSA probes that have been launched from Earth to points in the inner/outer Solar System since 1985: All information has been provided when possible.

Probe Codename

Launch Vehicle Date or Year of Launch Classified Mission
Sting-Ray *Space Shuttle STS #51-J, DoD Mission

  October 3, 1985   

Monitor deep space radio waves: Orbit beyond Neptune.
Sandal Slipper

no data

1988 Earth Orbit Relay for other Probes
Amber Light no data


Orbit beyond Titan: Secondary Relay Probe

  Atlas Rocket

1989 Monitor "selective" frequencies in deep space.
Heaven Flare no data


Orbit beyond the Moon
Twinkle Eyes  *Space Shuttle STS #53, DoD Mission

December 2, 1992 

Orbit beyond Jupiter: Deep Space Telescope?
Kite Tangle no data

August 2, 1997 

Orbit beyond Neptune
"Two" Other Probes? no data

      no data       

     no data
 National Reconnaissance Office NRO Deep Space Probe: NROL-26

no data

 On or after September 1, 2008  Deep Space Probe

Other NSA Probes Reported Launched From 1965.

Probe Codename Launch Vehicle Date or Year of Launch Classified Mission

  no data  

  Titan Rocket     


    no data    

no data



no data

no data



no data

no data


June 27, 1982  

no data

no data


June 18,1983

no data

no data


  August 30, 1983  

no data

no data


August 8, 1989  

no data

no data

*Space Shuttle STS #32

January 9, 1990  

no data

Comments by Clark McClelland 2000: Some of these NSA Probes are launched from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) during "Classified Missions." They loaded the payloads on the Space Shuttle at night under tight security and few technicians had the proper clearances to participate. An all male crew of specially trained military astronauts flew those missions. Clark McClelland's Web Site can be found at, The Stargate Chronicles.

NSA's Budget

Reference Deep Space Probes report above: These Deep Space Probes were reported to be launched using DOD funds, not NASA's. These Probes are operated by NSA, and not NASA.  Also, if you check NSA's budget, you will find a line item entitled: Space Operations Budget, under sub paragraph e(1)(g), is listed an expenditure, Test Probes: Guess what, these are the Deep Space Probes.

 ŠPeregrine Communications, 2000-2008