Rick Doty answers Joe Firmage's questions about MJ-12


February 27, 1999

These are the best answers I can provide. I don’t have current knowledge about all the questions, however, I did the best I could with the information I had or could find from my sources. Please keep this information privilege between you and Joseph Firmage. I’m ready for more questions!….Rick

Note to readers: The below questions/answers were reproduced exactly as they were received with none of the grammar errors corrected. We were under a short term contract with Joe Firmage, International Space Sciences Organization (ISSO) (starting in February 1999, copy of contract kept on file here) to provide information he requested. Unfortunately, just as the momentum was building from all the sources Joe decided he wanted more than we could offer at the time. Joe then proceeded to make investments with some very questionable people losing millions in the process.  

Joe Firmage 



Joe Firmage: Can you describe the profile and character of the group of people who presently govern the best first-hand knowledge of the phenomenon and related material? If once MJ-12, what now? What is the character today?  

Rick Doty: Since all my knowledge of the phenomenon was in the late 70s and early 80s, I knew the character of only certain MJ-12 members. I did not know the entire group. I met two MJ-12 members, I’ll call MR. X and MR Y. MR. X was a former scientist who worked for Los Alamos Laboratories during the 50s. He graduated from a small Maryland College , obtained a Masters Degree from U of Penn and served in the US Navy. He worked for Military Intelligence and later Defense Intelligence. He was employed at Los Alamos as a scientific intelligence officer. He later went to work for the CIA.  He was charming, intelligent and very witty, especially regarding the subject of UFOs. He knew the entire US involvement in UFOs from the Roswell incident to present day (circa 1980). He had met EBE-1 and EBE-2. He described MJ-12 as a quasi-Government entity that was neither connected to the US Government nor not connected to the US Government. MJ-12 existed as an independent entity that worked parallel with the US Government but only in the subject area of UFOs.  

MR. Y was educated at Cornell University . He was not a scientist but an intelligence officer. He worked directly for the CIA from the late 40s until his retirement in 1988. He was one of the key policy makers of MJ-12. He described MJ-12 in the same fashion as MR. X. However, MR. Y. related that no one member of MJ-12 was the leader. All members served for lifetime and had the same voice as other members. MR. Y or X couldn’t explain exactly how members of MJ-12 were chosen. They were just picked, MR. X would say and the President had the final word.  

The groups designation MJ-12 was established in 1947 by the older group. The group was re-designated Special Advisory-12 in 1986. I have no knowledge what the group is called today.  

Firmage: Was the decision to maintain secrecy part of a plan “from above” or an understandable reaction by human leaders to a fundamentally unknown phenomenon?  

Doty: According to MR. X the secrecy plan was developed after the Roswell incident by President Truman. Military leaders saw a possible application of UFOs and the possibility of using UFOs to hide military operations. As with all military operations, sensitive ones were classified to prevent the unauthorized disclosure to foreign governments. However, when the US Government learned more about UFOs and their relationship to Earth, it was obvious that this information could not be disclosed to the public for fear of panic.  

*From the MJ-12 1st Annual Report (rough draft circa 1952) page 7 paragraph P.

*And see the Eisenhower Briefing document (EBD) Wescott letter at, http://www.ufoconspiracy.com/reports/truman-stuart-mj12.htm 


Firmage: What information has been given by the group to Hollywood over the decades? 

Doty: This answer came from MR. Y. After the Roswell incident, the US Government or specifically, MJ-12, envisioned the possible truth about UFOs leaking out to the public sector. MJ-12 developed a plan to condition the public by slowly leaking out information about UFOs. The best media for this would be the movie industry. MJ-12 had a covert relationship with the movie industry. MJ-12 would employ writers who would release or pass UFO related stories to the movie industry. MJ-12 would convince movie producers to use stories about UFOs. Some examples of these efforts includes, 50 era UFO movies. This continued even through the 70s and early 80s. Close Encounters of Third Kind and ET are two examples.  

Firmage: What are the dimensions of this phenomenon viewed by the group as most difficult for the public to absorb?  

Doty: The religious aspect of this phenomenon is the most difficult for the public sector to absorb. Religious groups would or could not accept certain aspects of the UFO truth.  

Firmage: What is the extent of knowledge of the phenomenon among key congressmen and senators?  

Doty: The only senators and congressman that I know who had been briefed on the truth about UFOs are Senator Pell, Spector, Helms and Reid ( Nevada ). I don’t know of any congressman who has been briefed.  

Firmage: Is my contention that this phenomenon is connected with the history of religion? What can you say on this point?  

Doty: Current history of UFOs does not involve religion. However, the history, which was provided to us by our Alien friends, involved religion. This is the most closely guarded secret of the UFO phenomenon. The US Government knows the history of our Alien friend’s visitation to Earth. The visitation occurred some 2,000 years ago. It was connected to Jesus. You might say Jesus was an Alien. Can you imagine what religious complications could occur if this information became public?  

Comments on the above: Ernie Kellerstrass (known by Paul McGovern since both worked at Site 51) said that this “visitation” was a “helper (s)” and not related to Christ. Ernie had a great deal of knowledge about both the Red and Yellow books while he was at FTD (Foreign Technology Division-WP) and before.  


TOP SECRET/MAJIC FOIA document from the Foreign Technology Division (FTD-Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio) Library

The below FOIA document was sent by DR. Robert Wood which shows the TOP SECRET/MAJIC caveat. The caveat was placed there (penned in) for filing purposes only. It wasn't meant to indicate a classification for the document on the topic of Ion Propulsion authored by Ernst Stuhlinger (Paperclip Scientist), 1964, but to be filed with other TOP SECRET/MAJIC documents. The "V.B. file" below the caveat means "Vernon Bowen file," see bottom of page in below link.


We see the TOP SECRET/MAJIC on many of the classified MJ12 documents. Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14 fame stated that he took his PhD thesis under Stuhlinger on the subject of Ion Propulsion which is considered advanced propulsion. 

All or most of the MAJIC programs would of fallen under SCI or, Sensitive Compartmented Information which is used primarily for Foreign Intelligence or in this case Aliens.  

ftd-wplibrarytopsecret-majic.jpg (371065 bytes)


Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) and Special Access Programs (SAP)

Widely misunderstood as classification levels or specific clearances are the terms "Sensitive Compartmented Information" (SCI)[13] and "Special Access Program" (SAP).[14]

In fact the terms refer to methods of handling certain types of classified information that relate to specific national-security topics or programs whose existence may not be publicly acknowledged, or the sensitive nature of which requires special handling.

The paradigms for these two categories, SCI originating in the intelligence community and SAP in the Department of Defense, addresses two key logistical issues encountered in the day-to-day control of classified information:

  • Individuals with a legitimate need-to-know may not be able to function effectively without knowing certain Top Secret facts about their work. However, granting all such individuals a blanket DoD clearance (often known as a "collateral" clearance) at the Top Secret level would be undesirable, not to mention prohibitively expensive.
  • The government may wish to limit certain types of sensitive information only to those who work directly on related programs, regardless of the collateral clearance they hold. Thus, even someone with a collateral DoD Top Secret clearance cannot gain access unless it is specifically granted.

SAP and SCI implementation are roughly equivalent, and it is reasonable to discuss their implementation as one topic. For example, SAP material needs to be stored and used in a facility much like the SCIF described below.

Department of Energy information, especially the more sensitive SIGMA categories, may be treated as SAP or SCI.


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